Welcome to NWCC's Missions Conference

Our theme That the Word May Speed Ahead is taken from 2 Thessalonians 3:1. We can join in the work of the Great Commission, certain that the Holy Spirit goes before His messengers to prepare the hearts of His elect to hear the gospel. We will hear stories of perseverance, faithfulness, and fruitfulness from missionaries past and present.


7-8:30PM | Friday | Oct 13

Youth and Children-Oriented Missions Evening

| The Mission Adventures of Robert Moffat |

Join us at NWCC for an audio-visual missions presentation by Pastor Paul Dirks on one of the first missionaries to Africa, Robert (and Mary) Moffat-- perfect for youth, children, and families. Come and hear the story of their adventure for Christ and the gospel, and how they persevered for over a decade in ministry before the Lord granted them a fruitful harvest.

8:30-10:30AM | Saturday | Oct 14

Prayer Breakfast featuring:
Nadeem & Jamila Qazi

Join us for breakfast at NWCC as Nadeem and Jamila (Fellowship International) share about their missions ministry overseas and locally in Surrey, as they hold out the word of life to Sikh and Muslim people groups. We will dedicate time in concerted prayer.

10:30AM | Sunday | Oct 15

Sunday Service with the Rokebys

Brother Andrew Rokeby will be preaching during our morning service. He and Tanja, along with their 3 children, will be moving to Japan as long-term missionaries very shortly, and part of Sunday morning will be a sending service for their family.  A fellowship luncheon will follow the service.


How to Get Here via Transit

  • 10 min walk from Sapperton Skytrain Station – walk up Keary Street and cross to the west side of E. Columbia Street. Walk north along E. Columbia until you see the Impark lot on your left. You can cut across it to reach Hospital Street, or you can continue on E. Columbia and turn left on Hospital Street. Walk west (uphill) on Hospital for 60 metres to reach our church building.
  • By Bus 155 – Eastbound, get off at stop #53597 (Hospital @ E. Columbia) or Westbound, get off at stop #53613 (Hospital @ E. Columbia)
  • We are half a block west of Royal Columbian Hospital